
Friday, December 22, 2017

"Resolution on Jerusalem to be adopted with overwhelming majority"

UNITED NATIONS: Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Maleeha Lodhi on Wednesday said that UN’s resolution, opposing Trump’s controversial move of recognizing Jerusalem as capital of Israel, would be adopted with overwhelming majority.
"Defence of al-Quds  has always been a core principle of Pakistan's foreign policy," Ambassador Lodhi said in a speech to the 57-member group's coordination meeting held to strategise its position for the 193-member assembly’s special session.
Speaking on the occasion, she said that the Trump's move represents a serious violation of international law, urging the United Sates to revisit its decision in order to avoid the potentially grave repercussions in the region and beyond.

She said that solution of all the issues lies in its basis.
Pakistan is among the countries that moved the resolution to oppose the decision of US administration to recognize Jerusalem as capital of Israel.
She added that the issue of occupied Kashmir and Palestine should be resolved in accordance with the UN Charter, adding that Pakistan stands with international community in expressing its strong opposition and condemnation at the decision of the US Administration to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, describing the move as a severe blow to the Middle East peace process.
The draft resolution, submitted to the assembly, affirms "that any decisions and actions which purport to have altered the character, status or demographic composition of the Holy City of Jerusalem have no legal effect, are null and void and must be rescinded in compliance with relevant resolutions of the Security Council."
Highlighting the plight of the people of occupied Kashmir and Palestine, ambassador Lodhi said that occupied forces have been committing human rights violation surpassing their peaceful struggle with atrocities. She further said, “Kashmir and Palestine issues should be resolved now”.

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