
Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Survey terms India most dangerous country for women

Survey terms India most dangerous country for womenA recent survey carried out by Thomson Reuters Foundation has mentioned India as the world's most dangerous country for women due to the high risk of sexual violence.

The survey comprising 550 experts on women's issues has cited widespread sexual violence, retrograde cultural practices, and trafficking, as the reasons behind India becoming the world's most dangerous country for women.
War-torn Afghanistan and Syria ranked second and third, while Pakistan ranks sixth on the list behind Somalia and Saudia Arabia.
Between March 26 and May 04, the Thomson Reuters Foundation surveyed 548 experts on women’s issues across the globe, including academics, health workers, policy-makers, and NGO workers.

The respondents were asked to consider the following parameters: health care, cultural traditions, discrimination, sexual violence, non-sexual violence, and human trafficking. And India came up as the worst of the lot in half of them.
According to NDTV, Indian government’s data shows reported cases of crime against women rose by 83 per cent between 2007 and 2016, when there were four cases of rape reported every hour.
The poll was a repeat of a survey in 2011 that found experts saw Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Pakistan, India, and Somalia as the most dangerous countries for women.

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