
Friday, October 12, 2018

What is the festival Wishing Whatsapp Viral Script:

The wishing script is a small website which is coding in HTML, and CSS. During coding also we used GIF, Some photos, some effects to make it attractive. So peoples like this and when peoples start to share with friends and next to their friends with their friends and script will be viral.

How to Earn From Whatsapp Viral Script:

If you want to earn from the viral script just simply place Adsense code or any another code on your Whatsapp viral script. So if it will viral it can make a great income for you. Peoples make up to $1k daily.
Hello Friends, Today we will talk about how you can buy Fest Wishes with name WhatsApp sharing script and, how you can make money 10-15$ per day(Minimum) by adding festival wishes with name script to your blog or website?
There are so many festivals in our world and now we all like to wish all festival to friends and relatives on social media apps like Facebook, Tweeter, Whatsapp.
So these days the craze of festival wishes on social media is growing rapidly. You can get lots of fest wishes with name website or Apps on the internet.
here you can enter the name of the person whom you want to wish festival or Birthday, and also you will able to choose the festival specific images.
How to earn money from Fest wishes with name, WhatsApp festival sharing script.
These type of Fest wishes with name or WhatsApp festival sharing script become viral on social media very easily, mostly on Whatsapp. Because it works as a chain system.When you enter your name in this Application or website, it generates a wish with your name... Like Salman wishing You a Good morning or many wishes.
It looks very awesome because it has lots of customizations with specific images.
So now coming to the main point. when you enter your name in this app and send it to someone whom you want to wish, then it sends a specific URL with your entered name...
Example: https://www.good-morning-to-you.tk/ 

when your friend or relative clicks on that links then they will redirect to that website where they see Rahul is wishing me morning and night in an attractive way.
Apart from this, when your friends or relative open that website they get impressed because of website design and attractive look. and after that, they also send the festival wishes URL to his relatives and friends by entering his/her name. and his friends send own friends and so on... so this chain keeps running like this. :)


As discussed earlier, domain name is like the address of a house. But you need to build your house as well where you can keep your stuff, right?

There comes Web hosting into the picture. There are many web hosting companies that sell web space.
A web hosting company provides you web hosting service that includes web space where you store your website’s files, folders, media, and database, and other settings required to run a website.
Get the Bluehost Hosting 
Once you have bought the web hosting, the very first thing you need to do is to update the nameservers of the domain in Godaddy. Let’s discuss how to do it.

How to Update Nameservers of the domain?

To do it, login to your Godaddy account and go to Domain section where you can see all of your domains listed there. Look for the domain on which you are going to create the blog, click on “Manage.”
You will be taken to this page:
Check the box that is for the chosen domain and click on nameservers [I have circled it in the screenshot]. It will show a drop down, click on Set nameservers.
Clicking on it opens a pop up which looks like below screenshot:
Click on Custom, and then choose Enter custom nameservers. Go to your email box and find the email that Bluehost sent you when you bought hosting. There you will get the nameservers. Copy them and fill it like I did. Check screenshot below:
Hit OK which will bring this page:
Hit on Save. That’s it! DNS (Domain name servers) propagation takes maximum of 24 hours. But whenever I changed the nameserver, it never took more than 30 Mins to update.

Your domain is now pointed to Bluehost. Now there are 2 cases:
# You have added the domain while buying hosting:If you have done it, you don’t need to add the domain now and directly move to installing WordPress.
# You are adding the domain as an Addon domain in your hosting:
If you are adding the chosen domain as Addon domain, then you need to follow few steps to do it which you can ask in comment or wait till next post.

Once your domain is added to your hosting account at Bluehost, you are ready to install WordPress.

How to install WordPress in Bluehost web hosting?

Once you buy web hosting, you will need to install WordPress to create your blog. Two ways you can install WordPress on Bluehost:
  1. Install using any third-party FTP program. Read a detailed guide to know this method by clicking here. This process requires 20-25 minutes to complete.
  2. Installing using WordPress app from Cpanel. This method requires 5 Minutes to complete. Read the steps below:

# Step 1

Log into your Bluehost account and click on Install WordPress.

# Step 2

Click on Install WordPress, it will take you to the page shown below:

# Step 3

Now, click on Install. It will bring to a page where you will be asked to select the domain name on which you want to install WP.
If this is your first domain, then there is nothing to choose. Just proceed and the WP will be installed on the Root domain.

# Step 4

But if you have already many other domains running on your hosting account then you need to select the one you have chosen to install WordPress. Choose that domain.
As I want to run the blog on the main domain, so no need to do with “directory.

# Step 5

Click on Check Domain That will bring you a page where you will be given two check boxes as:
  • Show advanced options.
  • I have read the terms and conditions of the GPLv2.
Check both the boxes. First one will display the advanced options that look like:
Fill the details in the text boxes.
There you will notice “Automatically create a new database for this installation” which is checked but if you want to create the database manually then you can uncheck this and create Mysql database first. Click here to read the guide to create the MySQL database.

I would recommend keeping it checked and let the system create the database automatically.

# Step 6

Now click on Install Now and wait for some time while it shows as the screenshot below:
install underway
After a few seconds, you will see completion confirmation notification.
install complete
Now you can click “View Credentials” button to see the details to log into your newly installed WordPress site.

# Step 7

Now Log into the dashboard and launch the blog by clicking on click here as marked in the below screenshot:
launch blog
Your blog is live now, and you can access it typing the URL into the web browser.
live blog
At this stage, you have your blog up and running! Now you need to do few essential settings in order to make your blog fully ready to post articles.

Preliminary settings which must be done before you start posting:

Install a professional Looking Theme: Once your WordPress blog is up and running, the first thing you should do is to make it look good. And to do that you must install a professional looking responsive theme [Read why do you need a responsive theme for your blog]. Choosing a perfect theme for your blog is an important task because it’s the look & feel that get the attention of the audience at first.
Many free and premium WordPress themes available on the web that you can explore and then make a final selection. I would recommend you to choose the premium one because they are well coded, optimized and have various options. Make sure the theme is mobile responsive because as per Google’s latest Mobile search update which rolled out on 21st April, 2015, Google gives preference to those sites in mobile search that are mobile friendly.
You may explore the galleries Of Mythemeshop, ThemeJunkie or TemplateMonstertheme vendors to choose the best theme.
Get a logo: Logo is important because it reflects your brand. You can get the logo designed by any professional designer. For affordable deals, you can check for gigs at fiverr.
Install Necessary Plugins: WordPress is popular because of its awesome plugin support. For everything, there are plugins in WordPress repository. There are many plugins that are essential to be installed. Here I am listing few of them:
  • Backwpup
  • ReplyME
  • Commentluv
  • Akismet
  • GASP
  • AddThis or Shareholic or  floating social buttons or any other social sharing plugin
  • WordPress Related Post
  • WordPress SEO by Yoast
  • WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache
These are few basic plugins which are must, but you can install many more as the requirement comes.
Permalink Settings: Permalinks setting is critical because it forms the URLs of internal pages. Go to settings >> Permalinks and select the Permalink structure as per your choice.  Having search & human friendly URLs are recommended. In the below screenshot, you can see the options. I am a fan of the one which I have marked as it keeps the URLs short, simple and SEO friendly.
Permalink setting 

Set up Important pages: Before you start posting articles on the blog, you should set up the relevant pages which are about, contact, Privacy policy, and disclaimer.
Install Google Webmaster and Google Analytics: Google webmaster tool and Google Analytics are essential to be installed on the blog as webmaster tool tells all about on site issues, backlinks, and other details whereas Analytics records the visits on the blog.
Now, your blog is ready to post articles. Many more things still required to be done, but they can be done gradually as the requirements come.

Final words

This step-by-step technical guide can be very helpful to you if you are thinking to build your first blog. I tried to make everything clear in a way that you can easily follow the steps and successfully launch your blog. But if you still find any difficulties then please ask your problem in the comments.
Everything you require to start a blog has been described in this 2200 words long how-to guide.
Note: There are smaller guides I wrote already on my other blog, so I tried to avoid writing those things again, but I linked them wherever required so that you can take reference of those guides as well.
If you enjoyed reading this guide then please help me spread it everywhere so that it can reach everyone who needs this.

Thursday, October 11, 2018


Adding a custom domain to your blog brings more professionality and increase your rankings in search engines. Adding a custom domain to your blogger blog will change your blog address from yourblog.blogspot.com to yourblog.com, yourblog.tk, yourblog.net or whatever domain extension you registered. Today I am going to share a great tutorial on how you can register free .tk, .ga, .gq, .cf, .ml domains for your blog and use it as a custom domain name in blogger. This will surely build a trust toward your visitors and increase your visitors count too as people prefer to visit a custom domain blog instead of a sub-domain. So let's start the tutorial on using freenom free domain names as blogspot blog's custom 

How to Register Free Freenom Domain :

Just follow the below steps to register your .tk, .ml, .cf, .ga, .gq domain name for 1 year absolutely free of cost. After the completion, we will discuss on how to use it as a custom domain on Blogger.
  1. Go to Freenom.com and check availability by entering a great domain name for your blog.
  2. If it is available, click on Get it now! button and the selected domain will be added to your cart.
  3. After that, Click on checkout tab.
  4. On the next page, change Period from 3 months to 12 months ( Don't worry, it remains free) and Click Continue.
  5. Now enter your email address in the given space (as shown in picture) or you can use your social profile for login. If you want to sign up using email address then enter it and click on Verify my Email.
  6. Check! You will receive a confirmation link to your email address. Simply, click on that. 
  7. Congrats! You have registered your free domain.
Now It's time to set up to use it as a custom domain. For doing so, follow the steps.

How to Set Freenom Custom Domain to Blogger?

  1. Go to your Blogger blog's Dashboard and click on the Settings tab.
  2. Under Publishing, you will see a button like this: "+Set up a third-party URL for your blog", Click on that.
  3. Enter the domain name you just registered through Freenom. (along with www) and click Save.
  4. It will show error, Don’t worry it means that your freenom domain does not yet point to any DNS record.
  5. So, Go to your freenom account. On Menu bar “Domains” click on sub-menu “My Domains
  6. Click on Manage Domains and then Manage Freenom DNS.
  7. Enter the CNAME records as shown by Blogger (in step 4)
  8. Also, add these 4 A records. (Leave Name Empty and enter these values one by one in Target Area.
  10. Click on Save changes. For picture preview on how to correctly enter DNS records. Click here.
  11. Now, move to Blogger account (as you leave in step 4) and click on Save button again. 
  12. It will not show any error now and will get saved.
    Sometimes, It may take up to few minutes to update the DNS records, so keep patience if it still shows error and tries saving it after 5-10 minutes. 
  13. Once it gets saved, Click on Edit and tick the redirect box and press Save again.Well done! You have successfully setup a free custom domain name for your blogspot blog. Freenom domains can be used on any website rather than using a custom domain on blogger. You can also create an e-commerce store on freenom domain and choosing a great hosting for to host your site.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Chinese armed drones now flying across Mideast battlefields

A model of the Wing Loong II weaponized drone hangs above the stand for the China National Aero-Technology Import and Export Corp at a military drone conference in Abu Dhabi in February 2018.  — AP

High above Yemen's rebel-held city of Hodeida, a drone controlled by Emirati forces hovered as a sports utility vehicles (SUV) carrying a top Houthi rebel official turned onto a small street and stopped, waiting for another vehicle in its convoy to catch up.
Seconds later, the SUV exploded in flames, killing Saleh al-Samad, a top political figure.
The drone that fired that missile in April was not one of the many American aircraft that have been buzzing across the skies of Yemen, Iraq and Afghanistan since Sept 11, 2001.
It was Chinese.
Across the Middle East, countries locked out of purchasing the United States made drones due to rules over excessive civilian casualties are being wooed by Chinese arms dealers, who are the world's main distributor of armed drones.
"The Chinese product now doesn't lack technology, it only lacks market share," said Song Zhongping, a Chinese military analyst and former lecturer at the People's Liberation Army Rocket Force University of Engineering.
"And the US restricting its arms exports is precisely what gives China a great opportunity."
The sales are helping expand Chinese influence across a region vital to American security interests.
"It's a hedging strategy and the Chinese will look to benefit from that," said Douglas Barrie, an airpower specialist at the International Institute for Strategic Studies.
"I think the Chinese are far less liable to be swayed by concerns over civilian casualties," he said.
At the start of the year, a satellite passing over southern Saudi Arabia photographed US-made surveillance drones at an airfield, alongside Chinese manufactured armed ones.
According to the Center for the Study of the Drone at New York's Bard College, that was the first documented example of the two drone systems being used in the war in Yemen.
The country has emerged as a "sort of a testing ground for these strike-capable drones," said Dan Gettinger, the co-director of the Centre for the Study of the Drone.

"There's a rapid turnaround from delivery to deployment."
US drones were first used in Yemen to kill suspected Al Qaeda militants in 2002.
One of the biggest Chinese exports is the Cai-Hong, or Rainbow, series made by the state-owned China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp (CASC), the largest contractor for the Chinese space program.
CASC's CH-4 and CH-5 models are on a par with San Diego based General Atomics' Predator and Reaper drones, and much cheaper.
Independent analysts say the Chinese models lag behind their American counterparts but the technology is good enough to justify the price tag, which might be half or less.
A CASC executive, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to talk to journalists, said cutting-edge US models like Boeing Co's Stingray, introduced this year for the US Navy, still hold a technological advantage.
And while price is an advantage, so too is a more relaxed attitude toward how drones are used, said Ulrike Franke, an expert on drones and policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations.
Since 2014, China has sold more than 30 CH-4's to countries including Saudi Arabia and Iraq in deals worth over $700 million, according to CASC.
Ten countries are currently in negotiations to purchase the CH-4, according to the firm.
Last year, China sold to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the Wing Loong II, an armed unmanned aerial vehicle roughly equivalent to the American MQ-9 Reaper.
"In recent years, all types of drones have proven their value and importance through a high degree of use in warfare, and the military has noticed," said the top CASC executive.
"Many countries are now speeding up the development for these weapons systems, including China."
During President Xi Jinping's five years in power, China has stepped up spending on stealth fighters and aircraft carriers for its own military, while boosting sales of advanced equipment such as attack submarines to close allies like Pakistan.
China still lags behind the US, Russia, France, and Germany in total arms sales but it's catching up.
Chinese arms exports rose by 38 per cent between 2008-12 and 2013-17, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, which tracks the global arms trade.
Mounting criticism over the rising civilian death toll in Yemenprompted the US to impose restrictions on drone sales, forcing foreign countries to go through the US government to buy armed drones, including those with laser-guidance systems.
Washington based New America Foundation estimates more than 240 drone strikes in Yemen have killed more than 1,300 people, including at least 111 civilians.
But with China's drone sales booming, there's growing pressure from US arms makers to remove restrictions to let them catch up.
After some US lawmakers urged President Donald Trump to loosen controls and let General Atomics sell its armed Reapers to Jordan and the UAE, the administration on April 19 permitted US manufacturers to directly market and sell drones, including armed versions.
The government must still approve and license the sales, which are also contingent on human rights and proliferation reviews and congressional authorisation.
General Atomics did not respond to a request for comment.
China doesn't routinely announce arms sales like the US and others, but a review of drone spotting gives some indication of who its customers are.

In Iraq in Oct 2015, the country's then defence minister inspected a CH-4 drone at an airbase in the city of Kut.
Chinese armed drones have been operating at Jordan's Zarqa Airport, at an air base in Pakistan and from bases in Egypt in the Sinai Peninsula and near its border with Libya, according to satellite photos analysed by the Centre for the Study of the Drone.
Satellite photographs taken of a mysterious airbase in the UAE's deep south a desert area known as the Empty Quarter appear to show three Wing Loong II's, IHS Jane's Defence Weekly reported in January.
Two CH-4s were spotted by satellite alongside surveillance-only Predators purchased by the UAE at Jizan Regional Airport in southern Saudi Arabia, near the kingdom's border with Yemen, according to the Centre for the Study of the Drone.
Outside of the Middle East, Nigeria has used Chinese armed drones against the Islamic extremist group Boko Haram.

Volcano erupts on same Indonesian island as earlier quake

A building stands amid the debris of a flattened fishing village in Palu, Indonesia's Central Sulawesi Island on October 3 after an earthquake and tsunami hit the area on September 28.  — AFP

A volcano erupted on Wednesday on the same central Indonesian island struck last week by a powerful earthquake and tsunami, and authorities warned planes about volcanic ash in the air.
Mount Soputan on Sulawesi Island spewed a massive column of ash more than 6,000 metres (19,700 feet) into the sky.
No evacuations were immediately ordered.

A government volcanologist said it's possible the eruption was accelerated by the magnitude 7.5 earthquake that struck on Friday.
"It could be that this earthquake triggered the eruption, but we have seen an increase in volcanic activity since July and this began surging on Monday. Yet we can't say there a direct link, as the mountain is quite far away," Kasbani, the head of Indonesia's Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation agency, said on local television.
Kasbani, who uses one name, said planes have been warned to avoid the area.
Nazli Ismail, a geophysicist at the University of Syiah Kuala in Banda Aceh on Sumatra island stressed there was no concrete evidence to show the two incidents are linked.
"People talk about the butterfly effect. The concept is that when a butterfly flaps its wings, it can cause a catastrophe," he said.
"So it is possible for the earthquake to trigger the volcano eruption, but it's not conclusive. This needs to be further investigated."
Danny Hillman Natawidjaja, a geologist with Indonesia's Institute of Science, echoed the views, saying there was not enough data to make a link.
"In principle, the seismic waves from the earthquake could increase pressure in the volcano's magma chamber and could cause an eruption. We don't know for sure," he said.
He cited the example of the eruption of Mount Talang volcano in Indonesia's Sumatra province in April 2005, which geologists have said was connected to the devastating December 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami.
Ismail said the Soputan volcano eruption isn't surprising as Indonesia sits on the seismically active Pacific "Ring of Fire," and Soputan is one of the most active volcanoes on the island.
Soputan's eruption status was raised from an alert to standby 4 kilometres (2.5 miles) from the summit and up to 6.5km to the west-southwest.
Standby status means the public should avoid the area nearest the volcano and have masks available in the event of ash fall.
Planes were warned of the ash clouds because volcanic ash is hazardous for their engines.
Indonesia's national disaster agency spokesman, Sutopo Purwo Nugroho dismissed concerns that the volcano's eruption could affect planes transporting aid and supplies to the quake disaster areas.
The earthquake set off a tsunami and devastated several communities, with the official death toll rising on Wednesday to 1,407 and expected to increase further.
Thousands of others are injured and more than 70,000 have been displaced from their homes.
Nugroho said volcanic ash is not heading to the city of Palu, where most of the victims from the quake and tsunami are from, as the wind is blowing in another direction.
He said it hasn't disrupted plane services or affected any evacuations from the disaster areas.
Nugroho denounced videos that had appeared on social media allegedly showing villagers fleeing from billowing black smoke from the volcano and a long smoldering lava river as a hoax.
He said so far no lava has spewed out from Soputan.
No injuries or deaths have been reported and there is no need for any evacuation at the moment, he added.
Indonesia is an archipelago of more than 250 million people and government seismologists monitor more than 120 active volcanoes.

Israeli Airstrike in Gaza Claims Lives of Three Sons of Hamas Political Leader Ismail Haniyeh

Three Sons of Hamas Leader Killed in Israeli Airstrike Overview Three sons of Hamas’ most senior political leader, Ismail Haniyeh , were kil...