
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Islamabad to highlight LoC violations, Indian atrocities in occupied Kashmir at PUIC conference

Indian paramilitary soldiers force a Kashmiri child to perform sit-up while holding his ear lobes before letting him go during a strike in Srinagar, Indian-occupied Kashmir. รข”€AP/File

Islamabad has decided to raise the issue of violations of the Line of Control, as well as its international boundary by India at the 14th plenary session of the Parliamentary Union of OIC Member States (PUIC).
According to a press release issued by the National Assembly, Speaker Asad Qaiser has nominated a parliamentary delegation, led by Kashmir Committee Chairman Syed Fakhar Imam, to highlight Indian atrocities in Kashmir while representing Pakistan at the PUIC plenary session being held in Rabat, Morocco from March 10-14, 2019.
"Pakistan’s delegation will apprise the 54-member PUIC forum about the continued violation of Pakistan's sovereignty and territorial integrity by India, which has brought the region to the brink of war and devastation," read the statement.
It added that the delegation will take the forum into confidence on steps taken by the government of Pakistan to ensure peace and stability in the region.
Following the instructions of the NA speaker, two resolutions — one on the situation in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir and one on according protection of Muslim women and children in the area under conflict — have been included on the agenda items of the conference.

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